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Jobs at JPI Oceans in Brussels

JPI Oceans is a pan-European intergovernmental platform aiming to increase efficiency and impact of research and innovation for sustainably healthy and productive seas and oceans. Our member states’ national strategies and priorities are the main building blocks for a joint Strategy Framework to address marine and maritime issues. Visit website

Previous Vacancies

These are job that are no longer available. In case of rolling applications, jobs are automatically marked as expired when they have been posted 7 days or earlier.

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Communications Officer

JPI Oceans

Deadline 22.11.2024 €3,800-€5,500/month (est.)
JPI Oceans logo

Science Policy Adviser

JPI Oceans

Deadline 31.07.2024 €3,800-€5,500/month (est.)
JPI Oceans logo


JPI Oceans

Rolling application €997/month (est.)
JPI Oceans logo

Communications Officer

JPI Oceans

Deadline 19.01.2024 €3,800-€5,500/month (est.)
JPI Oceans logo


JPI Oceans

Deadline 02.01.2023 €796/month (est.)
JPI Oceans logo

Communications Officer

JPI Oceans

Deadline 21.09.2022